Direct & Indirect Communication

When communicating, I lean towards...
Direct or Indirect Communication
Direct Language:
Values efficiency and trustworthiness.
Uses simple, straightforward language.
Avoids confusing the listener.
Clear, concise is better than wordy.
Indirect Language:
Maintains polite, respectful manners.
Uses subtle, particular word choices.
Avoids offending the listener.
Courtesy is better than concise.
Which communication style do you lean more towards? Direct language? Indirect language?
There were only 1/3 of the attendees.
Indirect Communication:
Sarah: About how many people attended the conference?
Yu-na: *This year, there were only 1/3 of the attendees.
Sarah: I apologize. I don't understand.
Yu-na: *The annual conference usually hosts 5000 people.
Sarah: **So now you are going to make me do math? Okay, so 5000 people times 1/3 is...1,650.
Yu-na: That's right, about 1,600 people.
Sarah: Okay???
*Indirect communication in Yu-na's answer makes it difficult for Sarah to understand.
**Although the conversation may be accurate, many American speakers may need clarification on the story.
— Instead, Think Direct Communication! —
Direct Communication:
Sarah: About how many people attended the conference?
Yu-na: *About 1,600 people.
Sarah: That's fantastic.
*With direct communication, Yu-na's answer is easy for Sarah to understand.
— If Yu-na wants to show disappointment due to the low turnout, she can respond accordingly —
Direct com, followed by disappointment:
Sarah: About how many people attended the conference?
Yu-na: *About 1,600 people, which is 1/3 of the attendees. The annual conference usually hosts 5000 people.
Sarah: Oh, I am so sorry to hear that.
*With direct communication, Yu-na's answer is easy for Sarah to understand, and Yu-na can share her disappointment due to the low turnout.
Indirect & Direct Communication
When communicating, I lean towards...
Many people may find that indirect communication is thoughtful and shares the entire story.
Others may find indirect communication as confusing and time wasting.
Direct Communication
Indirect Communication
May people may find that direct communication is clear and easy to understand.
Others may find direct communication as rude and lacks thoughtfulness or understanding.
Which communication style do you lean more towards? Direct language? Indirect language?